How did you get to where you are today?

Chances are there was someone who guided you in pivotal moments of your career. You might not have called it that way (or maybe you have), but that was already a form of Mentoring. Vera and Hemanth, participants in our internal Mentoring Program, share their experiences as mentees.

Can you both describe what initially drew you to participate in the Vitesco Technologies Mentoring Program?

Vera: Curiosity was a key driver for me. I hadn't experienced mentorship before. I was looking for a collaborative relationship, one that would allow for sharing experiences, gaining new perspectives, and learning about different approaches and styles. Having a mentor who could offer me honest feedback was also important for me.

Hemanth: I have always been interested in the human side of things, so after 17 years in the engineering field, I made a cross-move towards HR. Although I had been with the organization for so many years, the change had a steep learning curve. Having an experienced mentor who could support and guide me in my new role was very important for my professional development in the new role. This is how I became involved in the Vitesco Technologies mentoring program.

How did you find your mentor? Do you feel the personality and areas of expertise of your mentor align well with your goals?

Vera: Thanks to the Talent Management and Organizational Development team and their program, I received a helpful guide on how to apply for the mentoring program through the HR internal portal. After setting my preferences, the system matched me with available mentors who aligned well with my goals. I ultimately chose Nirad Pandya, who perfectly aligns with my expectations.  His career path within the company is truly impressive.

Hemanth: My areas of interest within HR were Employer Branding and Diversity Equity & Inclusion. In Henriette, I found a mentor who perfectly aligns with my interest in Employer Branding. She holds the global leadership position for both Talent Management and Organizational Development (TMOD) and Employer Branding & Recruiting (EB&R) at Vitesco Technologies so she has extensive experience in both areas. This not only allows her to provide a strategic perspective, but also enables her to provide insightful, regular and clear feedback that helped me shape my path towards my goals and passions.


Think back to a recent mentoring session. Can you share an example of a specific piece of advice or guidance your mentor provided that you found particularly valuable?

Vera: I used to think that a good leader had to be supportive in every task, which kept me constantly overloaded. However, I have a fantastic team, and I've realized that giving them more responsibility empowers them and strengthens both me and the team as a whole. Now, I delegate more freely and offer support when truly needed.

Hemanth: A valuable piece of advice my mentor recently shared with me, was that letting go of things or people we care about can be challenging. However, it's a skill we must develop for the greater good. Another learning point was that there are often multiple solutions to a problem. Keeping an open mind and considering all options is key.

How has participating in the Mentoring Program impacted your overall experience at the company?

Vera: I'm thrilled to have Nirad as a mentor. As I mentioned earlier, his career path within the company is truly inspiring. His success demonstrates that hard work and dedication can lead to significant growth, regardless of background. I'm grateful for his guidance.

Hemanth: My perspective has changed significantly. My belief in the saying "The more you learn, the more you realize how little you know" is reinforced. In my new role, I'm exposed to a lot of strategic topics. I'm constantly impressed by the amount of efforts that goes behind the scenes. My professional network has expanded significantly, and I'm constantly learning from the people around me. While it's easy to feel overwhelmed with all this new information, my ongoing mentorship helps me see the bigger picture and approach these topics with a more strategic lens.

Would you recommend your colleagues to participate in Mentoring Program? If yes, please share your thoughts.

Vera: Definitely, yes! Mentoring has fulfilled my expectations. I would recommend it to anyone seeking fresh perspectives, insights into others' journeys and viewpoints, or valuable advice.

Hemanth: Absolutely, mentoring offers a lot of benefits for development.  You can gain knowledge and perspective from experienced mentors. You will have the opportunity of receiving unbiased feedback from someone who may not be working daily with you and this will aid self-reflection. Mentoring can expand your professional network and visibility within the organization, helping you unlock our potential and discover new ways to contribute.


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