For Timo, the sabbatical period was an opportunity to discover new places, enjoy time with loved ones, and excel in his hobbies. In the upcoming interview, Timo shares his narrative of this break and provides insightful perspectives on the process.

What made you decide to take a sabbatical year?

Three years ago, I started to lead the task of rebuilding Vitesco Techologies’ HR IT organization from scratch. The spin-off from Continental and the establishment of the HR IT team was an intense time. Together with my team, we set up a new structure, so I was able to take some time off and have 11 months to myself.

How did you take advantage of that year off?

My sabbatical was a collection of diverse accomplishments. I improved my golf skills, worked on home projects, and spent quality time with my parents and extended family in the United States.

We also embarked on a journey to Costa Rica, adopted a new puppy in February, and enjoyed quality bonding time in the last three months.

How do you think this process has helped you grow professionally and personally?

My sabbatical allowed me to reassess my personal priorities. Professionally, it allowed me to transition from an operational to a more strategic leadership role, which enabled me to lead my team more effectively.

What has been the most important lesson you have learned during this break?

As a leader, it is essential to have the self-confidence to step back and trust your team to discover solutions and tackle challenges independently. 

If you had to give your sabbatical year a film title, what title would this year get?

For me, there are two film titles that fit: “Braveheart” and “Into The Wild”.

Is there a particularly amusing story you can share with us from your sabbatical year?

Our visit to Costa Rica coincided with the FIFA World Cup, and Germany played with Costa Rica. Watching the match in a local restaurant, it was a treat to witness the passionate cheers of the Costa Rican fans when their team scored the 2-1, a result that would have allowed them to advance. Although Germany eventually won, both teams' World Cup journeys came to an end.

What advice would you give to your colleagues or people who are going through a similar process?

To ensure a successful sabbatical, early planning with clear goals is crucial. Aim for at least nine months, providing time for a capable interim replacement and fostering leadership development. This longer break ensures your responsibilities are taken care, avoiding on overwhelming email backlog upon your return. At the same time, bear in mind that a sabbatical of almost a year is an invest into your personal freedom and may require some patience getting back to further career development opportunities.


Vitesco Automotive Wuhu Co., Ltd. was founded in 1995 as a joint venture established by German Mannesmann VDO Group and Wuhu Instrument Factory in Wuhu, China.

In 1998, the investment partner of the joint venture company was changed to the construction company of Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone, WEDA.

In 2020, after different ownership changes, the location became Vitesco Automotive Wuhu Co., Ltd. Now Vitesco Automotive Wuhu has more than 1,400 employees locally.

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