E-ducation sums up all our qualification, learning and training measures with contents required for our business transition into e-mobility and therefore fully supports our direction 2030.
我们使用 cookie 为您提供最佳的网站体验。您的 cookie 首选项将存储在浏览器的本地存储中。其中包括网站运行必要的 cookie。此外,您可以随时自由决定和更改是否接受 cookie,或者选择拒绝用于改善网站性能的 cookie,以及用于显示兴趣定制内容的 cookie。如果您不接受所有 cookie,您的网站体验以及我们能够提供的服务可能受影响。
定期的员工对话可以让员工和主管及时调整目标和期望,记录工作表现,并且探讨职业规划。通过我们的数字化人才管理工具 MyCareer,个人的技术、能力和职业期望对全公司可见,此外,纬湃科技还建立了强大的反馈文化,我们相信,同事和同事之间、员工和主管之间能够提供坦率的,诚实的,有建设性的批评意见,对自己绩效的反思,同事提供的帮助,尝试新鲜事物和试错的自由,所有的这些都构成了一个富有创造力和赋能化的工作环境。
For us at Vitesco Technologies learning is a natural habit and fully sustainable integrated in our daily work. We believe that permanent learning and openness for new replaces knowing everything and is very honored all across our business areas. Therefore we offer countless possibilities for our employees to learn and upskill themselves whenever and wherever they want to. Learning on-demand and accessibility for everyone is part of our self-understanding and enables our employees to grow individually.
For us at Vitesco Technologies learning is a natural habit and fully sustainable integrated in our daily work. We believe that permanent learning and openness for new replaces knowing everything and is very honored all across our business areas. Therefore we offer countless possibilities for our employees to learn and upskill themselves whenever and wherever they want to. Learning on-demand and accessibility for everyone is part of our self-understanding and enables our employees to grow individually.
E-ducation sums up all our qualification, learning and training measures with contents required for our business transition into e-mobility and therefore fully supports our direction 2030.
当您访问任何网站时,它可能存储或检索浏览器中的信息,大多数为 cookie 形式。我们尊重您的隐私权,因此您可以选择不允许某些类型的 cookie。但是,阻止某些类型的 cookie 可能影响您的网站体验以及我们能够提供的服务。
需要这些 cookie 才能使用此网站,无法将其关闭。
提供者 | 描述 | 已启用 |
SAP as service provider |
我们使用以下会话 cookie,使网站正常工作需要所有这些 cookie:
这些 cookie 可以通过记住您的登录详细信息、优化视频性能或提供有关如何使用网站的信息来在此网站上提供更好的客户体验。您可以随时自由选择接受或拒绝这些 cookie。请注意,如果您不接受这些 cookie,这些第三方提供的某些功能可能受影响。